General Indicators
0Active Clinical Trials
3Active Non-Interventional Studies
0Clinical Trials initiated
3Non-Interventional Studies initiated
0No. of publications in indexed journals - last 5 full years
10No. of health professionals with specific training in GCP (Good Clinical Practices)
Global Capacity Indicators
295No. of available beds in the institution
546No. of Physicians in the Institution
608No. of Nurses in the Institution
6No. of Pharmacists in the Institution
500 thousandNo. of Inhabitants covered by the institution
HR Indicators Allocated to Research
0Managers, Administrative, Legal and Financial
0Study coordinators
Efficiency Indicators
0Total number of participants recruited for clinical trials and interventional clinical studies of medical devices
0%Patient recruitment rate in clinical trials and interventional clinical studies of medical devices
0 daysAverage time to first patient recruitment in clinical trials and interventional clinical studies of medical devices
N.A.Average time between submission and approval of the Financial Contract in clinical trials and interventional clinical studies of medical devices