CHULC launched the PLUMA Platform - Platform for sUbMission of clinical triAls
The Clinical Trials Unit of the Research Center and the Management Area of Systems and Information Technologies of CHULC, with the technical support of the company AMBISIG®, designed the PLUMA platform, which integrates the Documentation Management System of CHULC. The design of the platform was financed through a grant granted by the Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation – AICIB and became operational on October 12.
PLUMA consists in the development of an e-platform for the submission and approval of clinical trials at CHULC.
The fact that CHULC is composed by six hospitals with different localizations, easily allows a higher complexity, encourage time wastage, communication escalation and inefficiency. Our project consists in the development of an e-platform for the e-submission of the required documents by the CT Sponsor, digital approvals by external and internal stakeholders. This total paper free new submission process will also allow traceability, reduce the start-up time, a digital archive and the implementation of additional technical measures to comply with Data Protection and Confidentiality. As a result, we can improve metrics such as the time spent for the approval of the trials and the time for the activation of the site, which indirectly will release more time for the investigator to recruit patients and match the recruitment objective.